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The Power Of A Fresh Start

Hello spring text with nature light bokeh background

Oh, to be in England now that April’s there. —Robert Browning

As someone who was born in April, I simply adore this time of the year. Nature awakens, the first real sunshine appears and everyone feels a little happier with themselves and everything around them.

For me, April always had the force of a fresh start in a similar way that New Year’s does. The magnificent energy of April always makes me venture to start new projects and so it is not a coincidence that I’ve launched #TWOW at this time of the year.

But what would April with its spring cleaning be without calling us to do an inventory of our personal space to get rid of everything that is nothing but merely accumulated, old energy that needs renewal?

April is perfect for spring cleaning of your wardrobe

When you start cleaning out your wardrobe, by taking out what you don’t need or you barely wear or by just putting heaviest winter clothes away, you are getting rid of the old energy and opening yourself up for the new, right one. It is the power of a fresh start. There is something extremely catharsis in doing this.

First, by making a pile of things you do not really need and giving it away, you will contribute to your local charity shop. Second, you will trigger the positivity of giving and receiving by donating things to those in need and feeling that you are contributing to a good cause. Finally, you will clear up the energy field in your home and your life and make space for new, positive things to come your way.

are on a spiritual path, the first day usually is to clear up and de-clutter your personal space.

Refresh your home for a fresh start

When you are done with clothes, start with your home. Go through all your piled papers, bills, newspapers that you kept for some reasons that seemed logical at the time.

The Wives of Westminster know well how many printed sheets with parliamentary schedules and diaries sit around your home completely wasting space. Shred it! Shred everything that is out of date, literally.

Only by thoroughly cleansing your home and getting rid of things you will start to feel much lighter.

And if you add some new accessories to your home, it will be like living in a new place. It doesn’t need to be anything big or expensive. Even a vase or some decoration can make a difference, candles or colorful pillows and throws.

Inspiration is around you

There are so many ways you can easily find inspiration these days and get directions to do something for your lovely home. From TV makeover shows to do-it-yourself tutorials to Pinterest. Not that difficult at all.

Even if you don’t want to buy anything new, you can just reshuffle the furniture around, make a new setting and you will get a different perspective on life. We all need this from time to time.

There is no excuse for not having a clean, junk free, fresh, tidy, full place you call home.

After cleansing your wardrobes and your home it’s time to treat yourself with spring spiritual cleansing.

Create a sacred space for a fresh start

It is crucial to have a place or a corner in your home that feels safe and comfortable, a place where you can just go to switch off and recharge for the new of life. A private place behind the closed doors that will build you up and prepare you for the day ahead.

Body and spirit need nurturing after the long and cold bleak winter that is still sneaking around waiting to hijack the spring renewal.

Even if you are still not yet in your spring clothes, put your mindset into the spring mood.

Start your day with the 20 minutes of guided meditation. Do 20 minutes of exercise, treat yourself with a nice face mask or visit a salon to do a facial. Buy delicious body scrub and dive into aromas that will open your senses and get you all pumped up and ready for the day.

Make a green smoothie or avocado shake and maybe dare to go vegan for a whole day if you are not big on diet changes. Just do something different. Why not? It’s April, a perfect time for a fresh start.

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